Black entrepreneurs are getting the short end of the stick as they struggle to survive COVID-19, with nearly half of our businesses facing the prospect of closing their doors forever. Color Of Change's Black Business Green Book is a directory where you can find Black businesses to patronize for the holiday season and beyond, as well as resources that will help you join the fight to get Black entrepreneurs the protections and relief they are owed.
SHOP by State
- Alabama 5
- Arizona 10
- Arkansas 2
- California 83
- Colorado 11
- Connecticut 4
- Delaware 3
- District of Columbia 23
- Florida 17
- Georgia 33
- Illinois 28
- Indiana 12
- Iowa 1
- Kentucky 4
- Las Vegas 1
- Louisiana 5
- Maryland 24
- Massachusetts 13
- Michigan 21
- Minnesota 3
- Mississippi 2
- Missouri 9
- Nebraska 2
- Nevada 3
- New Hampshire 2
- New Jersey 14
- New Mexico 5
- New York 52
- North Carolina 23
- Ohio 22
- Oklahoma 4
- Online/National 298
- Oregon 14
- Pennsylvania 31
- Rhode Island 3
- South Carolina 3
- Tennessee 5
- Texas 26
- Vermont 1
- Virginia 21
- Washington 19
- Wisconsin 9

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